
The People's Democratic Dictatorship Is a New Mode of People's Political Sway Reflecting the Requirements of the Era of Juche, the Era of Independence


On the basis of the immortal Juche Idea, President Kim Il Sung created the original theory on people's democratic dictatorship reflecting the demands of the era of Juche, era of independence, most correctly and achieved an immortal exploits of creating the people's democratic dictatorship, a powerful weapon for the cause of independence of the popular masses.

The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il further developed and enriched the Juche-oriented theory of people's democratic dictatorship in conformity to the international environment of our revolution and the development of the socialist construction. He made an immortal contribution to guiding the popular masses to push ahead the socialist construction and the cause of independence of mankind, firmly holding the political weapon of revolution.

The people's democratic dictatorship is a weapon which is used to to hold political sway over society so as to meet the will and demands of the masses including the working class.

The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said;

"The people's democratic dictatorship is a weapon with which to hold political sway over society so as to meet the will and demands of the masses." ("Kim Jong Il Selected Works" Vol.13, p.206)

That the people's democratic dictatorship is a weapon to hold political sway over society in conformity to the will and and demands of the masses means that it is an instrument to exercise a unified control and guidance over all members of the society so as to meet the will and demands of the popular masses.

The fundamental demands of the popular masses is to realise independence and take the position of masters of state and society. What is important here is that the popular masses become masters of politics and masters of political power. Only then, can they assume the fundamental demands and interest of the masses to be the common demands and interest of the whole society and carry them out.

The popular masses can be masters of politics only when they possess an instrument to conduct it. Politics and political control over society is inconceivable apart from the political instrument. Only when they possess the political instrument, can they submit people to the demands and interest of the society and make the people act in accordance with the political will of the popular masses.

The people's democratic dictatorship is just the instrument to realise the political sway over the society so as to meet the will and demands of the popular masses.

On the basis of the immortal Juche idea, President Kim Il Sung created the popular democratic dictatorship, the new mode of political instrument to hold firmly in struggling for the independent cause of the masses, with a deep scientific insight into the essence and features of our era, era of Juche, which is fundamentally different from all the preceeding historical eras.

Above all, the people's democratic dictatorship is a new type of weapon of political sway which refelcted the demand of the era of Juche, era of independence in which the popular masses carve out their destiny independently and creatively as masters of history.

Ours is the era of independence. It means that the independent demand of the masses comes to the fore and the struggle for its realisation is at its full swing.

The era of Juche is a new historical era when the popular masses emerge as masters of their destiny and masters who rule the world for the first time in history and they hew out history and their destiny independently and creatively.

Generally, the birth of a new era is a lawful requirement of the socioal developement. Society develops continuously through the struggle of the popular masses, masters of history.

It is none other than the popular masses that require the social development and have the ability to do it. Therefore, the requirement of a certain era is the need for independence of people in that era and that of the progressive class and the popular masses.

Standing in the center of today's era are the popular masses taking their destiny into their own hands and their struggle for independence is affecting the course of history development more greatly than ever before.

In order to hew out their destiny independently and creatively, the poular masses should have a political power which reflects the requirement of the era most correctly, champions and realises their need and interest to firmly establish the political rule over the whole society.

For that, they need a weapon of political sway which reflects the requirements of the era and the popular masses most correctly.

The fundamental requirement of today's era is realising independence of the popular masses in all aspects, which is clearly different from that of the preceding times.

The working class, who used to be the exploited and oppressed class, were in the lowest level of socio-economic situation and their immediate requirement was to be free from the capitalist exploitation and oppression. That is, the basic demand of that times was to overthrow the capitalist system and imperialist rule, the major fetter impeding social progress, and liberate the working class and the masses from the chains of capitalism and imperialist subordination.

In the preceding times, the proletarian dictatorship and worker-peasant dictatorship served as the weapon of the political domination of the popular masses including the working class.

Both of them as well as the people's democratic dictatorship are common in that they all champion the interest of the popular masses including the working class.

However, they differ from each other in their mission and the socio-historical condition for their socio-political foundation.

The proletarian dictatorship was the weapon of political rule of the working class which accorded with the characteristics and task, the balance of political forces and the historical conditions of Europe when capitalistm was advancing.

The worker-peasant dictatorship accorded with the characteristics and task, the balance of political forces and the concrete environment of Russia where capitalist relationship was less developed.

Therefore, both of them could never serve as the weapon of the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution, a new unique mode of revolution which is gaining momentum in most countries of the world, once the colonies or semicolonies of imperialists.

The issue of the weapon of the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution were suggested only in our times when the masses' revolutionary struggle developed into a unique revolution in colonial and semicolonial countries.

In 1920s' world the influence of socialism was increasing after its first victory and the revolutionary struggle of the working class and the struggle for liberation were making a rapid leap in colonial and semicolonial countries.

In this period the imperialists further intensified the plunder and oppression to check the revolutionary advance of the popular masses and extricate themselves from their grave political and economic crisis. The contradiction and conflict between revolution and counterrevolution were further sharpened and the people's struggle for the national and class liberation was waged on a wide scale and in diversity in the world.

This meant the advent of a new historic era in which the people who had been oppressed and maltreated in the past appeared as masters of history and their own destiny.

Ours is the new historic era in which the popular masses appeared as masters of their destiny and masters of the world for the first time in history and it is the new era of Juche in which the masses shape the history and their own destiny.

This new era of Juche demanded a new mode of weapon of political rule to throughly champion the independent need and aspiration for independence of the popular masses who turned out in revolution with awareness of being masters of their own destiny.

It was not until our era when the people's revolutionary struggle developed independently in colonial and semicolonial countries that the issue of the weapon of the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution was suggested.

The origin of infringement of the masses' independence in those countries was the imperialist and feudal exploitation and oppression. Therefore, the revolution in those countries could not be other than anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution. It was neither a bourgeois revolution nor a socialist revolution. It was a social revolution of a new mode.

The fundamental task of the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution was to abolish the imperialist and feudal exploitation and oppression. The task of this revolution in realising independence of the popular masses was to free them from imperialist and feudal exploitation and oppression. At the same time, this revolution is followed by socialist revolution of ultimately liquidating exploitation and oppression of man by man, therefore, it should create favorable precondition for it. This requires that the basic weapon of this revolution should fit to carrying out the task of the anti-imperialist national liberation and the anti-feudal democratic tasks.

With a deep insight into the requirement of the new coming historic age, the balance of social classes of our country, a colonial semi-feudal society, and the task of our revolution, President Kim Il Sung, who had set out in the revolutionary struggle in his early years and had been groping for the new road of Korean revolution for the national and class liberation, made up his mind to solve the problem of political power as well as other revolutionary lines in an independent and creative way irrespective of the established theories or formula.

On the basis of the immortal Juche idea, he gave a deep scientific insight into the essence and features of our era which are clearly marked off from all other historic eras and established the people's democratic dictatorship which was a new mode of political sway for the popular masses to firmly hold in the era of Juche, the era of independence.

After putting forward the idea on the people's democratic dictatorship for the first time in history, the great leader further developed and enriched it as the revolution developed in depth so that it could be a powerful political instrument not only for the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution but also the socialist revolution and construction.

Next, the people's democratic dictatorship is a new mode of political sway which reflects the requirement of today's era in which the revolutionary struggle is waged in a wider and more diverse scale and the socio-political foundation of the revolution has been expanded beyond comparison.

The popular masses are masters of revolution and construction and they have the capacity to propel the revolution and construction.

Revolution is a struggle for independence of the popular masses. So not only the workers and peasants but also the broad masses of all strata who oppose all sorts of social subordination have vital interest in it.

The victory of revolution entirely dependes on how large is the masses of people you win over. And the size of the masses you can bring over is decided by the kind of political instrument used in the revolution. That is why the popular masses should solve the problem of power after taking power and make a right choice of the political instrument to establish the political foundation by winning over a broad section of the masses.

The scale of the masses paticipating in the revolution expanded radically with the advent of the new era in which the popular masses shaped out their destiny independently and creatively. Particularly in conolial and semicolonial countries, a broad section of people of all strata turned out in the revolutionary movement, except landlords, comprador capitalists, reactionary bureaucrats and other tiny handful of reactionary class. Actually youth and students, intellectuals, non-comprador capitalists and even conscientious religionists together with workers and peasants participated in the struggle for the national and class liberation in our country and many other colonial and semicolonial countries in the East.

This new historical situation required ,as an urgent requirement of our era, to gain a new type of political instrument with which to unite the masses into a single political force.

Both of the proletarian dictatorship and worker-peasant dictatorship are participated by a limited number of classes and they only champion the interest of those classes only. It means that they cannot correctly reflect the requirements of our era in which the socio-political foundation has been expanded beyond comparison.

The proletarian dictatorship was expected to include the workers, while the worker-peasant dictatorship included genera lworkers and peasants. That is why they could not manage to unite a broad section the the masses who could participate in revolution into a single political force, nor could they ensure the decisive supremacy of the revolutionary force in colonial and semi-colonial countries.

Revolution in our age has been waged on the world scale far beyond the scope of a given country and not only in capitalist countries but also in colonial and semicolonial countries which had been backward for centuries.

Those countries had been under the control of imperialists and they were colonial semi-feudal countries where the capitalist development was kept in check to the extreme and the feudal relation of production dominated the whole economy. This made the national and class contradiction most serious and aggravated in those countries. Therefore, the national and class contradition could never be solved there unless a broad section of people participated in the revolution.

The mass foundation of the revolution to put an end to imperialists' colonial rule and achieve the national liberation dramatically expanded in colonial and semicolonial countries. It was because the popular masses including workers, peasants, intellectuals, petty-bourgeoisie, and non-comprador capitalists had been forced to have their independence cruelly infringed under the imperialists' rule. Interested in the revolution to abolish imperialists' colonial rule are workers and peasants and also the popular masses of all strata and classes. All those whose independence are infringed can and are willing to participate in this revolution. Those who are most keenly interested in the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution in colonial and semicolonial countries are workers and peasants who are exploited and suppressed more cruelly than anybody else under the colonial rule. The motive force also includes youth and students, intellectuals and petty-bourgeoisie who are opposed to imperialism and feudal force. Even conscientious non-comprador capitalists whose economy cannot be developed at will as well as religious men can participate in the anti-imperialist struggle.

The political instrument which conforms with the requirements of the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution in the environment of colonial and semicolonial countries should be of a new type which enables us to throughly carry out the task of anti-imperialist national liberation and the anti-feudal democratic tasks and mobilise the broad section of people to the struggle to carry out the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolutionary tasks by uniting all the people who can participate in the revolution.

With the scientific insight into the requirement of our era and thetask of our revolution, President Kim Il Sung elucidated the theory on people's democratic dictatorship to provide a powerful guideline to unite the broad section of masses into a single political force.

Based on the scientific analysis and insight into the requirementofthe revolutionary practice of our times when the popular masses rose up in the revolutionary struggle for independence as masters of history and their own destiny, and into the aspiration and demands of the people of all strata in our country, which used to be colonial semi-feudal society, the great leader suggested a new theory on dictatorship which had as its socio-political foundation the broad section of popular masses of all strata aspiring independence. He defined this new type of dictatorship to be people's democratic dictatorship.

People's democratic dictatorship is based on the worker-peasantunion led by the working class and relies on the broad united front of the popular masses of all strata. That is why it becomes the most powerful political instrument to win all classes and strata interested in the revolution to the side of revolution, unite them into a single political force, thus firmly mobilising them to the victory of revolution.

The definition of the people's democratic dictatorship to be a new mode of political sway which is based on the worker-peasant union led by the working class and relies on the united front of the broad section of popular masses of all strata is the most scientific and original stipulation which is based on the revolutionary principle clarified by the Juche idea.

President Kim Il Sung elucidated the unique theory of people's democreatic dictatorship and wisely led the struggle for its realization.

In the period of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, he laid out important ways of realizing the people's democratic dictatorship by putting forward the line of people's revolutionary government and establishing the first pwople's government of a new type which befits the nature of the anti-imperialist and anti-feudalist democratic revolution and socio-classic relations and defends the interests of people of different classes and strata such as the workers and peasants as well as the young students, intellectuals, national capitalists and many other people who love the country and nation and desire its liberation.

In the post-war period, he set forth the state policy based on the progressive democracy in connection with the nature and mission of our revolution and our people's desire smashing the opportuninst advocacies of different shapes and colors of "Soviet democracy" and "American democracy" and wisely led the struggle of its realization and saw to it that the building of a new country was dynamically conducted by dint of the people's democratic dictatorship.

Under the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung, our people accomplished the historic and controversial task of anti-imperialist and anti-feudalist democratic revolution by dint of the people's democratic dictatorship.

He ensured that the people's democratic dictatorship could become the political weapon of anti-imperialist and anti-feudalist democratic revolution and further developed it to successfully complete the socialist revolution.

Now that the socialist cause is in its final stage, the people's dictatorship is demonstrating fully its might and vitality as a powerful political sway to unite the masses into a single political force activelly supporting the socialist cause and to champion and realise their independent demand and interest.

We should further strengthen the people's democratic dictatorship with the correct understanding of it as the powerful mode of political sway which refectes the demand of our times most correctly, champions the independent demand and interest of the popular masses and guarantees the successful completion of the socialist cause.