A national flag is a flag that officially represents and symbolizes a state.
The history of a national flag which expresses the class character, mission, historic traditions and customs of a state through diverse colours and designs is long, but there is no such a flag as ours which serves as not merely a symbol of an independent state but also a symbol of the people's high independent dignity and national spirit who are achieving the independent development of the country as the masters of the state and society.
"A national flag is a symbol of a state and our national flag clearly reflects the people-oriented, democratic and revolutionary character of our Republic and the dignity and honour of the Korean nation."
The national flag of the DPRK is a brilliant symbol of the high independent dignity and national spirit of the Korean people who are shaping their destiny independently and creatively as genuine masters of the state and society, holding their destiny in their hands for the first time in history.
The first reason why the national flag of the DPRK is regarded as a symbol of high independent dignity and national spirit of the Korean people is that the flag though its red color, reflects the precious soul of the forerunners who fought for the freedom and independence of the country and the single-hearted unity of the Korean people.
The red colour of the national flag of the DPRK reflects, above all, the precious soul of the forerunners who shed their blood for the freedom and independence of the country.
The red part symbolizes the red blood shed by the anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters and heroic soldiers who devotedly fought for the freedom and independence of the country and the people's power.
The independent dignity of the Korean people is the high revolutionary dignity of the independent people who are achieving the prosperity and development of the country along the road chosen by themselves without any slightest vacillation devoting their blood and lives in the grave storm of history carrying forward the patriotic tradition created in the bloody struggle to achieve the freedom and independence of the country and build an independent and sovereign state by their own efforts.
The national flag of the DPRK clearly symbolizes the high independent dignity of the Korean people, the revolutionary and independent people, through the red flag permeated with the blood of the revolutionary forerunners and heroic soldiers.
The red colour of the national flag of the DPRK also symbolizes the invincible revolutionary might of the Korean people single-heartedly united around their leader.
The working-class government regards it as its basic aim to struggle for the independence of the masses.
If the working-class government is to attain this fundamental goal for realizing the independence of the masses, it must form a harmonious whole with them.
The party and the state cannot exist unless they are deeply rooted among the masses and won support of them.
The question of unity arises as an important matter not only before the working class seizes power but also after doing it.
Therefore, deciding on the national flag, President
The red color of our flag is associated with the painstaking efforts of the President
The history of the DPRK was the one of victory and unity in which all the people braved the grave storms of history rallying firmly under the banner of Juche and the banner of unity upheld by President
The national flag of the DPRK clearly reflects through the red colour, which accounts for the biggest proportion in it, the high independent dignity and national spirit of the Korean people who have inherited the soul of forerunners who achieved the freedom and independence of the country and are struggling for the prosperity of the country, firmly rallied around their leader.
The second reason why the national flag of the DPRK is regarded as a symbol of the high independent dignity and national spirit of the Korean people is that it reflects the revolutionary traditions inherited by the DPRK, the revolutionary mettle of the Korean people to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche and the bright prospect of the DPRK through its five-point star.
From the olden times people have regarded the star shining in the night sky as a symbol of hope, fortune, victory and feats, and the history of human culture has many cultural treasures related to the stars.
Today, stars are inscribed in the national flags and various medals of many countries, which clearly show the meaning of the stars and their deep relationship with human life.
However, the meaning of stars engraved in national flags varies from country to country.
For example, the national flag of China has five stars in it, where a large star represents the Communist Party of China, and four smaller stars represent the unity of the entire Chinese people (the working class, the peasantry, the urban petty bourgeoisie and the national capitalist class at the time of the designing Chinese National Flag).
And the star of the Benin flag symbolizes the freedom of the people, and the star in the national flag of some Islamic countries including Pakistan and Turkey symbolizes the fortune of the country.
On the other hand, 14 stars in the Myanmar National Flag shows that the country has seven provinces and seven regions, and two stars in the São Tome and Principe National Flag symbolize that the country consists of two islands of São Tome and Principe.
In this way, the stars in national flags assume the character and national characteristics of the social system concerned and have different meanings from country to country.
The red five-point star in the national flag of the DPRK symbolizes, above all, the glorious revolutionary traditions created by President
It also symbolizes the revolutionary mettle of the Korean people struggling for the accomplishment of the socialist cause, the cause of modeling the whole society on
This is the revolutionary character of the five stars of the national flag of the DPRK.
The third reason is that it is a symbolic reflection of the characteristics of the Korean nation, the struggle of the Korean people for building a new society and the spirit of them struggling for world peace and progress.
Each country and nation has its own characteristics and the national flag in general reflects its national characteristics and aspirations.
Although there are many countries and nations in the world, no nation is homogeneous like Korean nation which has created its glorious culture, living on the same land with the same blood, language and culture for a long period of development of human culture.
The white colour of the national flag of the DPRK symbolizes the homogeneity and glorious culture of the Korean nation.
From the olden times, our people have liked white colour symbolic of integrity, purity and smartness, so the color is deeply imbued with the customs of our people.
Such expressions as "the white-clad folk" and "the white-clad race" indicating the Korean nation hereby originated.
The national flag of the DPRK depicts the time-honored history and glorious culture of the Korean nation through its white colour. In particular, it represents the loyalty of the Korean people to uphold the leader's leadership with pure mind in a symbolic way by likening it to the white snow of Mt. Paektu.
Meanwhile, the blue colour of the national flag of the DPRK symbolizes the great vigor of the Korean people dynamically struggling for the victory of the socialist cause and the spirit aspiring to global peace and progress.
Blue is said to be one of the most familiar colors of those in nature.
From the olden times, people have likened freedom to the birds flying freely in the blue sky and over the sea.
Hence, blue has been a color symbolic of freedom and independence, peace and friendship, beautiful hope and desire of mankind for the future.
Through the two blue stripes at the top and bottom, the national flag of the DPRK clearly symbolizes the spirit of the Korean people to build a prosperous, independent and sovereign state with their own strength, technology and resources, their revolutionary vigor struggling for peace and democracy, national independence and the victory of the common cause of socialism in unity with the world revolutionary people aspiring to independence under the revolutionary banner of anti-imperialist independence and the sovereignty of the DPRK.
The fourth reason why the national flag of the DPRK is regarded as a symbol of the high independent dignity and national spirit of the Korean people is that it is another manifestation of the spirit of the DPRK dynamically advancing and the heroism and bravery of the ever-victorious Korean people through the composition of the national flag.
In general, the composition has a certain meaning and thus plays an important role in expressing the ideological and characteristics of the national flag.
Therefore, the colour and size of national flags vary from country to country, and the proportion and arrangement of colors are different.
Most commonly found in national flags of other countries are rectangular national flags with a ratio between width and height being 2:3.
The national flag of the DPRK with a ratio of 1:2 has the form of fluttering flag to fully reflect the spirit of dynamically advancing country. And two symmetric horizontal stripes of white and blue at the top and bottom of the national flag with the wide red part in the center shows the spirit of the DPRK vigorously advancing in a respectful and strong visual sense.
Especially, the red five-point star in the white circle is placed in the flank of the flagpole side of the red part thus giving full representation of heroism and bravery of the Korean people always advancing and emerging victorious.
In conclusion, the national flag of the DPRK is a masterpiece of the times that perfectly embodies high ideological, formative and artistic quality in the overall content and composition and clearly symbolizes the high independent dignity and national spirit of the Korean people as the revolutionary people in the era of independence.