Establishing the hospital management information system based on the IT, advanced science and technology is a great demand to scientize the hospital management.
The bed is a main facility of hospital and improving the bed utilization can provide more inpatients with medical care.
In order to provide more inpatients with medical care and satisfy the qualitative requirement of medical care for inpatients, we have established the real-time secondary information support system to improve the bed utilization.
Indicators to improve the bed utilization include the situation of bed utilization and the number of unoccupied beds for every department and room, yearly average length of bed stay, average length to confirmation and rates of complication, real-time plan implementation rate has been calculated for above indicators, and secondary information support has been provided there.
And we have established the method of decision-making for improving the bed utilization with length of bed stay, length to confirmation and rates of complication.
First, we have improved bed utilization and lengthened accumulative length of bed stay by surveilling and controling the situation of every bed utilization with the real-time information on the number of occupied and unoccupied beds for every department and room.
Then we established the real-time secondary information support system related to accumulative length of bed stay, length to confirmation and rates of complication in order to lengthen bed stay.
And we have found the basic factors of bed utilization and reduced these influences by calculating the additional number of beds and inpatients with the model of decision-making when the relevant indicators meet the standards.
Thus, we have improved the bed utilization over 8% and provided 700 more inpatients with medical care without any additional investment by establishing the real-time secondary information support system related to bed utilization and the method of decision-making.
We will improve the bed utilization by increasing the number of indicators and supporting the real-time information on them in the future.