It is because a grave incident took place in the Qingfeng Secret Camp that tested revolutionaries' faith and loyalty and taught the soldiers of the KPRA a serious lesson that the Qingfeng Secret Camp has entered the annals of the anti-Japanese revolution along with the Arduous March. The books and textbooks that deal with the history of the anti-Japanese revolution mention two places of the same name–Chongbong(Qingfeng in Chinese transcription–Tr.). One is the Chongbong bivouac in Samjiyon County, Ryanggang Province, a historical place where the great leader Comrade
In the Qingfeng Secret Camp, the anti-Japanese war heroine Comrade Kim Jong Suk set a good example of how the leader's soldier fought to defend the leader's idea and line.
The great leader Comrade
"At that time Kim Jong Suk led others in criticizing Om for his defeatist tendency. She fought without compromise against wrong ideas that ran counter to Headquarters' lines and strategic policies. She was a dyed-in-the-wool advocate of our ideology." ("With the Century" Vol 7 Continuing Edition, p 157)
The whole course of the Korean revolution was the history of an ideological conflict to fully display the might of the truth of the leader's revolutionary idea.
The most powerful and the only weapon in our revolution has been the great revolutionary idea of the great leader.
Our revolution has had its firm guiding idea since the start and advanced by force of idea.
Comrade Kim Jong Suk set an example in firmly defending the revolutionary idea of the great leader, regarding it as the absolute truth, the only guideline and the standard.
For her, the revolutionary idea and line of the great leader was the standard and guide for her thinking and practice.
In the period of anti-Japanese armed struggle, enemies not only used the reptile press, but also scattered leaflets filled with lies to deep forests where anyone had barely been so that they might take the pillars of belief out of the Korean revolutionaries and disintegrate the revolutionary ranks ideologically.
Not only the incident of Ji Kap Ryong who was pessimistic with one sheet of newspaper and surrendered, but also Om Kwang Ho's incident show that if one doesn't have the firm idea and belief, he'll be able to vacillate easily in the face of even ordinary difficulties and trials and go so far as to be a traitor in the end.
Comrade Kim Jong Suk set a noble example of firmly fighting against capitulationist sophism of Om Kwang Ho running counter to the revolutionary idea of the great leader.
The great leader Comrade
One day a debate was held in the secret camp on the policies adopted at the Nanpaizi meeting. At that time, taking an example of the Russian revolution, Om Kwang Ho said.
"Any revolution will experience a high tide and a low ebb. A high tide requires a high-tide strategy and a low ebb needs a low-ebb strategy. To meet these requirements it is necessary to make a correct judgement of the changes in the situation and be frank enough to admit the arrival of a low ebb when its indications are in evidence. If this is true, then which stage does our revolution find itself in at the moment? I would say it is at a low ebb. Look! The expedition to Rehe ended in failure and in the ‘Hyesan incident' many revolutionary organizations were destroyed. Isn't this a low ebb? In this situation we should learn from the lessons of ‘one step forward and two steps back'. In other words, we must avoid offensive and frontal confrontation and retreat until an advantageous situation presents itself. This is the way to save the revolution."
He attempted to bludgeon all the soldiers in the camp into accepting this argument. Since the revolution was going through some twists and turns at the time because of the disastrous expedition to Rehe and the "Hyesan incident", his argument might have sounded logical to casual hearers.
Comrade Kim Jong Suk grasped that his opinion differed radically from the revolutionary idea of the great leader with a sharp view, the profound political ability and the keen insight, and disproved his argument without hesitation.
She said as follows.
"Of course, we don't deny that the objective situation exerts the great influence on the revolutionary struggle. But we mustn't consider it absolute. The worse the situation gets, the more revolutionaries must react to it and make redoubled efforts to turn a disadvantage into advantage. This is the intention of Comrade Commander. The Korean revolutionaries have continued fighting at all times, whether or not the situation was favorable. If they had gone into hiding when the situation was unfavorable and operated only in an advantageous situation, could they have formed such a standing armed force as the KPRA? Could they have advanced to the homeland, breaking through the enemy's tight border watch, and carried out such a daring military campaign as attacking Pochonbo? Marxism-Leninism is a communist theory, so it is, of course, a good thing to follow it in our revolutionary activities and practice. But as the Comrade Commander always emphasizes, we must apply Marxism-Leninism creatively to suit the actual situation of the Korean revolution, not mechanically. You seem to have misunderstood what ‘one step forward and two steps back' means. Don't you know that the Korean revolution has advanced through manifold difficulties? You claim that it is best for us to retreat in the present situation; is there any rear we can retreat to? If we retreat, who will usher in the period of revolutionary upsurge for us? As the Comrade Commander declared at the Nanpaizi meeting, we must make headway against obstacles in the difficult situation. Thus, we must turn the disadvantageous situation into an advantageous one."
Her principled and perfectly logical argument gave a heavy blow to his defeatist and capitulationist sophism.
Under this counterattack by the women guerrillas including Comrade Kim Jong Suk, Om Kwang Ho tried to rationalize his opinion by every means, even reciting this or that proposition of Marx and Lenin. His natural shape as an ambitious person and opportunist became clearer during the argument.
Revolution is done by dint of idea and belief.
In this sense, the anti-Japanese armed struggle was the site of showdown where the idea and belief was defended.
When they may encounter with an arduous struggle and ordeals, traitors and degenerates of revolution are sure to show their true colors and make frantic efforts to slander the headquarters of the revolution, destroy the unity of ranks and satisfy their dirty factional ambition.
In the debate, Comrade Kim Jong Suk revealed Om Kwang Ho's sophism with high political and ideological ability and belief and gave heavy blow to it.
She exposed his crimes in Beidatingzi in April, Juche 28(1939), and said as follows.
"Even though we might lose our life, we couldn't compromise with the tendency differed from the idea of the Comrade Commander.
It was the belief in the Comrade Commander that gave us strength and courage at that time.
Wherever we may be, we should firmly defend the revolutionary idea of the Comrade Commander and sharply struggle against the phenomena slandering his idea with high political awareness and revolutionary belief.
Let's defend the revolutionary idea at the cost of our lives. This is the most sublime and honorable duty for us."
In the Qingfeng Secret Camp, the anti-Japanese war heroine Comrade
Kim Jong Suk struggled with ‘do-or-die' readiness and will against the ideological shake and act of the defeatist perfidy which appeared in the revolutionary units, which is the immortal exploit of contributing to defending the revolutionary idea of the great leader and realizing the ideological unity in the revolutionary units.