
The Historic Triumphal Speech of President Kim Il Sung Served as the Banner of Great Patriotism under which All the Korean People Firmly Rallied Around and Turned out to the Building of a New Country


President Kim Il Sung led the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle to a brilliant victory, consummated the historic cause of the National Liberation and opened a broad avenue to the building of a new society for the Korean people, thus achieving immortal exploits of building a democratic, independent and sovereign state by rallying the whole nation firmly.

President Kim Il Sung said:

"The time has come when we Korean people have to unite all our forces to build a new, democratic Korea. People of all strata should display patriotic enthusiasm and turn out to build a new Korea. To contribute positively to the work of building the state, let those with strength give their strength; let those with knowledge give their knowledge; let those with money give their money; and all people who truly love their country, their nation and democracy must unite closely to build an independent and democratic state."

At the Pyongyang Mass Rally of Welcome held on October 14, Juche 34 (1945), President Kim Il Sung delivered a speech, titled "Every Effort for the Building of a New, Democratic Korea".

In this speech the President solemnly clarified that we should build a democratic, independent and sovereign state in the liberated Korea.

The President called out to the whole Korean nation to unite all the forces to build a new democratic Korea. He asked those with strength to give their strength, those with knowledge to give their knowledge, those with money give their money and all people who truly love their country, nation and democracy to unite closely to build an independent and democratic state.

The speech of the President, which clarified the line of nation building and appealed to the great national unity, was a banner of great patriotism that made all the Korean people firmly united and turn out to the building of a new country.

First of all, his speech is the banner of patriotism that indicated the correct line of nation-building to the Korean people and thus led them to the building of a new, democratic Korea.

It was an urgent political issue arose before Korean revolutionaries for the first time in their struggle to build a new society, to brighten up the right way the liberated Korea should follow.

How to consolidate the victory of the cause of national liberation achieved through the anti-Japanese revolution, to carry out the anti-feudal democratic reforms, to build a new society in which the people are the masters of the country, and to advance the revolution all depended on whether this political issue was settled down satisfactorily or not.

Moreover, the U.S. imperialists after the Second World War pursued the ambition to impose a new type of colonial rule and the moves of all the reactionary forces to follow it were getting worse. Therefore, it was of crucial significance how to define the line of building a new country in determining whether to defend national independence won at the cost of blood or to be reduced to slaves of imperialists again.

The people were thrilling with emotion, cheering the great leaders for independence with the joy of the country's liberation, but they were not sure what to do and which way to follow.

At this juncture, the "revolutionaries" and "patriots" of different colors gathered at home and abroad raised all their assertions on the principle.

Among them were those who maintained that the bourgeois system should be set up with the help of the US, those who asserted that socialist system should be established immediately with the help of the Soviet Union, and even those who supported reviving feudal system.

These assertions, as well as those made by the bluffs representing the interests of different forces, were absurd not to mention that neither of them conformed to the demand and aspiration of the Korean people, but they were disdainful of the nature of the social development of our country at that time.

However, these assertions were detrimental enough to cause ideological confusion among popular masses, to bring about severe consequences of dividing the patriotic forces and, furthermore, to hamper the advance of the revolution.

At this time, the President in his historic speech on triumph clarified that in order to become the masters of a genuine country, it is necessary to establish a prosperous democratic, independent and sovereign state by setting up a people's power as early as possible, waging a vigorous struggle against the pro-Japanese elements, traitors to the nation and other reactionary elements, and developing the economy and culture.

His speech served as not only a beacon to shed a light on the way to the building of a new country for the people but also a programme to encourage the whole nation to be filled with confidence about the bright future of Korea.

For that reason, the participants in the mass rally and the people across the country were full of excitement and will to turn out in the cause of nation-building.

Hence, the line of nation-building clarified by President Kim Il Sung in his historic speech on triumph served as a banner of patriotism which dealt a decisive blow to factionalists and all sorts of hostile forces and led the Korean people to the building of an independent new, democratic Korea.

On the other hand, his historic speech on triumph is the banner of great patriotism that firmly rallied the whole nation into a single force of patriotism and encouraged them to turn out nation building.

Social class structure in our country in those days was complicated that popular masses belong to different classes and strata.

The U.S. imperialists, reactionaries and factionalists were making all sorts of moves to attract the masses from all walks of life, that rallying the masses was a very important question of whether to successfully implement the line of nation-building or not.

In order to build a democratic, independent and sovereign state, the great unity of the whole nation should be achieved.

Unity is the way the nation is prosperous and the division is the way the nation is ruined.

The building of a democratic, independent and sovereign state is inconceivable without the great unity of the whole nation.

The President in his historic speech on the triumph said that the success in the work of nation building depends entirely on how the Korean people struggle, and called upon the whole nation to unite firmly to build a democratic, independent and sovereign state.

His speech was a patriotic appeal that made the powerful, rich and knowledgeable people who loved the country and democracy but failed to realize their duty as masters of the nation-building and to take part in the work of nation-building.

On the receipt of the speech of the President, a chartered programme of great national unity based on noble patriotism, and love for nation and people, all the Korean people were filled with great joy and emotion and flared up with revolutionary enthusiasm to devote themselves to the work of nation-building, united close around the leader.

A number of people from all walks of life including nationalists, intellectuals, religious people, businessmen and traders with different family background and career sought their shelters in the bosom of the President.

Among them were patriotic personages and agitators like Ryo Un Hyong and Ho Hon and intellectuals like Kim Du Sam and Kang Yong Chang.

Thus, the appeal for the great national unity addressed by the President in his historic speech on triumph promptly brought the whole nation to the sacred cause of nation building with great influence.

Indeed, the President's historic speech on triumph served as a banner of great patriotism under which all the Korean people firmly rallied around and displayed matchless devotion and patriotic enthusiasm to build the liberated country into a democratic, independent and sovereign state.