
The Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il's outlook on life reflected in famous songs


The famous lyrics loved by the Korean people are associated with the meticulous guidance of Chairman Kim Jong Il.

Whenever our people's favorite songs were created, he gave detailed guidance to elaborate them, and at the same time, he strictly prevented them from showing off himself to their words and expressions.

Among stories telling about his lofty outlook on the people there are also impressive reasons permeated in all lyrics.

Chairman Kim Jong Il said:

"They are highly laudable. The world will never know another people as excellent as ours."

All the time the poets shed their tears of emotion under the guidance of Chairman Kim Jong Il who always push the people to the foreground and never tolerated anything about himself.

One day a military poet wrote a song "Let's Have a Toast" and had the honour of presenting it to Chairman Kim Jong Il.

The poet waited with impatience, not knowing what appreciation Chairman Kim Jong Il would make after doing with the lyrics.

The poet was unexpectedly pleased to hear the news that Chairman Kim Jong Il praised him for composing the song well.

The poet, who was given the lyrics from the official concerned, was deeply moved to know that Chairman Kim Jong Il had personally revised it.

Speaking of the situation, it was so tense that there was a grave situation in which a war might break out at any moment.

In spite of this, the poet wet his eyes on the fact that Chairman Kim Jong Il had devoted his precious time to correcting the lyrics and perfecting them and the poet's eyes fixed on the part of lyrics.

The words "Let us drink toast to the great brilliant Commander" were written by him and presented to Chairman Kim Jong Il.

The poet's words "brilliant Commander" represented the words of the lyrics, reflecting his matchless courage and pluck and boundless reverence and admiration for Chairman Kim Jong Il who is winning only victories with his gifted strategy and tactics, despite the persistent blockade and challenges of all imperialist allied forces headed by the U.S. imperialist aggressors.

Chairman Kim Jong Il, however, changed the phrase "brilliant Commander" to "people".

His noble outlook on the people reflected in the words of the song modified by him as he always devoted himself to the people, putting the people above all thinking and practice.

It is quite natural for the great brilliant Commander who worked out the victory and led all the people to victory, but Chairman Kim Jong Il proposed the toast to the great people. His noble outlook on the people was admired by the poet.

At last, the poet made a new determination to write a song praising the stirring era, the prosperous era of Chairman Kim Jong Il, in which he was winning only victory under the guidance of the great brilliant Commander, and wrote a lyrics titled "Do Prosper, The Era of Comrade Kim Jong Il".

While listening to the story from the composer, the poet was surprised to know that Chairman Kim Jong Il had corrected the phrase "Kim Jong Il's Era" to "The era of the Workers' Party" when guiding it.

"Kim Jong Il's Era" was the behest of the President and the common feelings of not only all the people but also the world independent mankind.

In former days, however, he handed over a toast to people that to be received as a great brilliant Commander and he corrected the word as "The era of Workers' Party" though it reflected the reality as it is which was recognized by the world as Kim Jong Il's era again, the poet was so tantalized not to sing the praises of the Chairman.

People, listen to a song in contemplation, while it sounds so usual in our lives.

Don't forget his great outlook on the people and his whole life is filled with tears cherishing the idea of "The people are my God" as he regards the people as Heaven and devoted his all to them.

Indeed, this story keenly tells us the noble and lofty love and trust of Chairman Kim Jong Il, the great father who devoted himself to the people entrusted by the President.