
Photoelectric Achilles Tendon Reflex Intensity Measuring Instrument


In general, Achilles tendon reflex is the index representing disorder degree of the nerve system in the field of public health.

Also it is the index reflecting the function of the glandula thyroidea.

In the height research room of Hygienic Faculty Pyongyang Medical Collage we made "Photoelectric Achilles Tendon Reflex Intensity Measuring Instrument" to measure the intensity of Achilles tendon reflex in quantity and assess the function of the glandula thyroidea exactly using the reflex of limb tendon.

The test of glandual thyrodiea function is made by hormone assay, radioisotope analysis, ELISA.

This is applied to the patients with thyrosis but not used to distinguish the children with height disorder.

"Photoelectric Achilles Tendon Reflex Intensity Measuring Instrument" can scientifically measure exactly thyroid function associated with height disorder and distinguish the children and teen ager at which thyroid function is reduced.

Now this instrument presents 0-900ms of reflex intensity, so that this reflect can hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

The research team includes patients with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism in order to assess the accuracy of this instrument.

In the future we will study to increase the accuracy of this instrument so that we can distinguish the children and teenager with height disorder by hypothyroidism in time and increase their height, and if we collaborate with field and department relative to this study, we will take the better results.