
Estimating Final Height by Growth Styles


When juveniles attain maturity, secondary sexual character is appeared and height is grown quickly by rapid increment of sexual hormone, and it is finished finally.

In puberty, the mode of their growth isn't similar.

Even if, their ages and heights could be similar, fast sexual matured juvenile grows taller quickly and height growth comes to stop earlier than late sexual matured juvenile, and the final height isn't taller than the late sexual matured.

It is related that sexual maturation time and bone age is equaled.

So the late sexual matured have more height reserve than the fast sexual matured.

In the growth laboratory, Hygiene Faculty, Pyongyang Medical College, Kim Il Sung University, DPRK, for 6 years the scientists have taken up study to relation between their sexual growth styles and height growth styles newly and made clear its characters by each growth styles for the first time by using sexual maturation and height as the main indices, which were the external indexes that reflect bone age directly.

The research group made clear the 9growth styles, by classifying stature growth styles into the tall, the middle and the short, and then sexual growth styles into the fast, the middle and the late.

And they made final height estimated equation by growth styles by using every growth characters.

The error of estimated equation is 0.85±0.13㎝(boy), 0.72±0.15㎝(girl).

So it is the least than other equation recently presented.

On the basis of research data, the research group has been taking further research to fast sexual maturation and late sexual maturation among the short juveniles which are essential to increase the height.

They are going to make clear their endocrine metabolism system and influence of the external factors and have been taking further research to promote stature by such influences, and they expect cooperation research in this field actually