
Moved Playground


President Kim Il Sung said:

"In passing the revolutionary struggle on to the next generation it is extremely important for us to prepare reliable reserves for the revolution. This is an important matter that affects the destiny of the revolution. Therefore, although we are waging a revolutionary struggle in difficult conditions, we should always pay due attention to training reserves for the revolution."

President Kim Il Sung, who devoted all his efforts to preparing the children as reserves for the revolution regarding education as an important issue determining the rise and fall of the nation since he embarked on the road of revolution in his early years, always paid great attention to the education of the rising generation even in the days of the difficult and arduous anti-Japanese armed struggle.

One spring day in Juche 23 (1934), he visited the construction site of Children's Corps School in Yaoyinggou guerrilla base. Resting his eyes on the nearly completed log cabin and the field to be used as a playground for a while, the President said that the learning site for training the pillars of the revolution should be built well, and corrected the defects one by one.

The President instructed in detail the issues arising in the construction of the school including the issue of building a canteen and boarding house near the school, covering the floor of the classroom with smoothly sawn wood so that they do not get cold even in winter, making 2-person chairs and building windows in sevearl places so that the room is not dark. Learning that the playground was situated in the shade, he saw to it that the playground was moved to sunny place, where it was conducive to the health of the Children's Corps members and convenient for their physical activities.

Under the meticulous care of the President, the school was built into the finest school with a wide playground in the sunny place with crystal-clear water flowing nearby.

The history of the anti-Japanese war is associated with the undying devotion and efforts of President Kim Il Sung, who devoted his all to training the members of the Children's Corps to be reserves for the revolution including the establishment of Children's Corps schools in nearly all villages of the guerrilla zones in the short period of one year despite the continued fierce battle against the enemy.

Human history tells a lot about the virtues of great men who devoted themselves to posterity, but there is no such a great man as President Kim Il Sung, who embraced the younger generation, the hope and future of the country, and brought them up as the reserves for the revolution in the flames of the anti-Japanese war.

Indeed, the President was a peerlessly great man who devoted his all to bringing up the younger generation to be precious treasures and successors to the revolution with his noble outlook on the younger generation.