
The Ennobling View on the Younger Generation of the Peerless Great Man Reflected in Pencils for Children


The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said

"Kim Jong Il's patriotism is based on an ennobling view on the younger generation, and it stokes our feelings further."

The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il spared no pain to bring up schoolchildren as genuine patriots who truly love their motherland and the people and good future makers with ample knowledge, high morality and strong body, always emphasizing that the future of the country depends heavily on the education of future generations.

What he always said about the education of future generations shows the Juche-oriented viewpoint on education in which education should constantly be given top priority for the prosperity of a country and a nation

-We might fail to complete other projects or tasks within our generation. However, if there was anything we fail in bringing up coming generations, it would cause irretrievable results. – this is a serious teaching of the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il.

Here is an impressive story about his lofty ideas.

One day in July, 1997, the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il told officials that pupils of primary schools were having considerable trouble because of the limited supply of pencils.

The officials were surprised, some of whom hung their heads.

They knew that the Pyongyang Mechanical Pencil Factory, a major producer of pencils, was not normalizing its production for various reasons.

However, it was during the "Arduous March", so nobody else considered it to be a pressing issue.

The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said that the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung had set the production of pencils as first on the agenda for the Provisional People's Committee immediately after the liberation and had seen that pencils were produced for pupils despite the difficulties. He added that it was really unreasonable not to supply enough pencils to pupils now.

The officials, who thought that it was reasonable to ignore the production of pencils for schoolchildren when country was being in a difficult situation, were filled with remorse

In fact, the mechanical pencil factory was built in a modern way under the direct guidance of the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il to add glory to the warm love of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung for future generations.

This is a good example of his great care for school supplies.

On that day, he called senior officials concerned to his office and acquainted himself with problems arising in the production of mechanical pencils.

After that, he emphasized that the production of pencils was directly connected to the education for future generations, which led to the future of the country and nation. He added that it was the noble character of revolutionaries to love future generations.

The officials were deeply moved with his warm love for future generations.

The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said that even though the economic situation of the country was really difficult, he would see that the production of pencils was prioritized, and earnestly requested that children be treated as king.

No love in the world can match the boundless love of the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il who connected small school things for children directly to the bright future of the country.

The tradition of sparing nothing for children continues with the warm love of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

He saw to it that plenty of paper was supplied for printing textbooks, new school uniforms were produced for students at all levels, and Dandelion-brand Notebook Factory and Pyongyang Rucksack Factory were built in a modern way.

Children of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea enjoy happy, care-free life under the warm love of the peerless leaders.