
DPRK, a Powerful Weapon for Ensuring People's Independent right


Today our people are enjoying worthy and independent life as true masters of the state and society under the most advantageous socialist system in the world.

Our people's pride, honor and valuable life is inconceivable apart from the establishment of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The DPRK is the great revolutionary achievement gained by the Korean people through a long and hard-fought struggle for national independence and in the process of its history the people's demand and ideals for independence have been fully met with the application of the man-centered Juche idea in the state activities. The foundation of the DPRK brought our people a powerful weapon for shaping their destiny, rights as masters of the state and society and pride and happiness of true life.

The DPRK is a powerful weapon for people's independent right.

Independent right is the right to safeguard and realize independence which is the socio-political integrity of man. Only when the masses of people substantially exercise the independent right, can they assume the status of masters of state and society, play the role as such honoring their dignity and glorify the dignity and value as social being.

The DPRK fully ensures popular masses the position as masters of state and society by fully providing them with every condition necessary for the exercise of independent rights.

The socialist system of the DPRK and all of its laws including the Socialist Constitution consistently safeguard and ensure people's independent right in every way.

The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said;

"Everything in our Republic-the socialist system of the State and society, the Socialist Constitution and other State laws, as well as all the lines, policies and activities of the Party and the State-is geared to defending and ensuring the independent rights and interests of the masses."

People's independent right can be substantially guaranteed when it is based on the state institution, not just the legal principles.

The DPRK fully ensures all workers the independent right in all fields of societal life such as politics, the economy, and culture.

First of all, the DPRK thoroughly provides people with the independent right in their political life.

Political life is the field of critical significance in man's social life.

Demand of a man to live independently is primarily realized through independent political life. If a man is socio-politically subordinated, he can not lead an independent life of any kind. Independent right for a social being must be ensured in the political life above all.

All Korean people take part in power exercise and state management with equal rights and they lead worthwhile political life in the political organizations.

First, their political life is ensured by democratic election system. As one of the most important state's legal arrangement at present, an election system intensively reflects political right and freedom that people are granted in that society.

In order for a state to guarantee people the right to elect and to be elected and to organize election to suit the people's demand for independence, it must necessarily establish proper principles of election, namely principles of general, equal and direct election. These principles have universal significance and ensure veracity, impartiality and accuracy in election.

The Socialist Constitution of the DPRK stipulates that every citizen above 17 years old, regardless of gender, nationality, occupation, residential period, property, education, party affiliation, political view and religion, is entitled to a right to elect and to be elected. Furthermore, democratic freedom and right of citizens are thoroughly ensured by law to the utmost at every process and occasion of elections under laws and regulations on the election of deputies to power organs at all levels.

Second, their political life is fully ensured in political and organizational life.

The way people lead their political life in a society is not only evidenced by means of state power but also by participation in political parties and organizations. Right of a social being can only be successfully attained in a socio-political integrity. Socio-political integrity, in which leader, party and people are united as one, is the cradle where true life of a human being is in full bloom and it is the most honorable life to struggle devotedly for the party, leader, society and the collective. Therefore, all the Korean people regard political and organizational life in the worker's party and political organizations led by the party as honorable and are willingly taking part in it.

Next, the DPRK fully ensures people the independent right in the economic life.

Economic life is the field which composes the material basis of social life. People's independent and creative life comes from the free and affluent economic life.

Whether people's independent right is realized in economic life or not depends on the economic system ― ownership in particular.

In the DPRK the only social ownership of the means of production is dominant and people not only have become real owners of the means of production but also fulfill responsibilities and roles as masters.

Creative working life lies in the heart of economic life.

Right to work is one of the fundamental rights everyone is entitled to as a master of society and how to guarantee the right to work is one of the essential factors determining progressiveness of a social system.

Right to work involves the right of all able-bodied citizens to be given occupations and to work in compliance with their aspirations and abilities, the right to be rewarded according to the quantity and quality of work done and the right to be granted safe working conditions by the state. In the DPRK the right to work is thoroughly recognized under the Socialist Labor Law.

People's independent right in economic life is clearly manifested in the material life.

Establishing it as its supreme principle to incessantly improve people's livelihood, the DPRK is providing people with equal and well-off life. Thanks to popular policies of the Worker's Party of Korea and the state, all the Korean people are substantially provided with every condition including food, clothing and housing and thanks to the abolition of tax long ago, people do not even know what "tax" means. Moreover, women and children are under special protection of the state and the state bears full responsibility and takes preferential care of the old, children and the disabled who have no one to turn to for help.

The Korean people, therefore, call the DPRK mother and are enjoying, to their hearts' content, a happy life with nothing to envy in the world in her embrace.

Finally, the DPRK fully ensures people the independent right in the field of ideological and cultural life. Through ideological and cultural life people tend to cultivate independent ideological consciousness and creative ability, meet their demand for leisure activities and acquire noble spiritual and moral qualities.

Ideological life in a socialist society is based on the revolutionary ideology of the working class; hence the Korean people's ideological life is based on the Juche idea and Songun idea, complete revolutionary ideologies of the era of independence. In the capitalist society, where everything is dominated by capital, genuine freedom of ideology can not exist. Basically No one can forcibly indoctrinate. Those, who do, have inevitably inferior dogma.

The Korean people take the Juche idea, the superior philosophy centered on man, as their own conviction starting from their vital need. Today, a revolutionary spirit is fully displayed to devotedly struggle for the party, people, society and the collective. This is the true picture of the genuine ideological life the Korean people are creating; the revolutionary tone of ideological life abundant all over the society is a solid evidence for the victory of revolution.

Cultural life is unthinkable apart from education. Right to schooling is one of the fundamental rights of a social being. Independent ideology and consciousness and creative capabilities that decides social position and role of every citizen is cultivated by learning. Furthermore, education is an issue of vital importance on which depend the prospects of a state and nation, and the educational system is the ultimate criterion that determines whether a society is forward-thinking or not.

In DPRK the most advanced and popular 12-year universal compulsory educational system is put in force. The DPRK is widely honored as "a land of education" and "a land of learning" where all masses of people learn under the socialist educational system which is most advanced in the world, and intellectualization of the entire people is being realized successfully.

In the DPRK, where people are most respected, all working people are eternally free from cares and worries about medical treatment for the first time in the world history thanks to universal free medical care, the most popular healthcare system.

In addition, all citizens are provided with conditions in which they can engage in scientific, literary and artistic activities, and broad masses of people are actively taking part in the activities for the development of science, the arts and literature.

In the DPRK a citizen's freedom of scientific, literary and artistic pursuits is guaranteed through legal protection of copyrights and patent rights.

Thus the DPRK is extensively providing all its citizens with all rights of a social being including the political freedom and right, the right to work and existence and the right to education and medical service.

Independent and creative life of the Korean people is a dignified and happy life which cannot be imitated or even imagined in the capitalist society.

Today the imperialists are ruthlessly encroaching upon sovereignty of other states and nations making "nuclear issue" and "human rights issue" their key instrument for global dominance.

Human right is people's independent right in all fields of social life including politics, the economy and culture.

In the DPRK, where masses of people are true masters of the state institution, there's no such thing as "human rights" problems.

Sophistries like "human right" or "democracy" the US and its followers are noisily crying wolf about are preposterous abuses and slanders against the DPRK and are no more than delusion to undermine the socialist system in the DPRK.

In order to protect genuine human rights, independent right of masses of people, we must defend socialism. Socialism is the life and soul of the masses of working people. Socialist ideology comprehensively represents people's wishes and desires to realize their independent right and the society that enables the realization of those wishes and desires is the socialist society. When socialism is abandoned, all of man's rights to life will be lost.

The man-centered Juche idea is the banner of the most thorough protection of human rights and e the DPRK of the socialist system which embodies the Juche idea is the cradle of all desires and happiness of the Korean people.

Human right is tantamount to the right of the nation and the right of nation is its sovereignty, which must not be violated in any case and the dignity of the country and nation should be firmly safeguarded as their life.

Those people who are deprived of their independent right cannot talk about human rights of any kind. When the country and nation is subordinated, its people are doomed to slavery and when the nation is deprived of sovereignty, its people's human rights are inevitably infringed upon.

The present reality in which the territories of some weak nations are trampled underfoot by external forces in a single day and even a president must be put in the dock shows that strong military power will ensure peace and the people's independent right.

The DPRK reliably guarantees the security of the country and the people's independent right by establishing an invincible revolutionary army which no aggressors can dare to invade and powerful national defense industry on this land by applying the party's Songun politics.

The DPRK, the great achievement of the Juche revolution, will shine brilliantly forever as an invincible socialist power, in which the Korean people will enjoy genuine rights and happiness as human beings to their hearts' content.