"… even if we do have difficulties, we should, nevertheless, devote great efforts to the education of the rising generation and provide students with enough pencils, notebooks and other school things."
The great leader put his heart and soul into bringing up our children and students to be able workers for the fatherland and revolution in his whole life.
After the war the great leader visited paper mills to give ways and means to produce and supply notebooks which were a part of school supplies to be used by our children and students and to improve their quality decisively. At the same time the great leader led the struggle for its implementation.
On August 5th, Juche 42(1953), the 6th plenary meeting of the central committee of the Workers' Party of Korea was held. In the report of this meeting, he set a task to restore Sinuiju Pulp Mill rapidly, so as to produce 40 000 tons of pulp per annum. On September 27th of that year, the great leader visited Sinuiju Pulp Mill to provide the students with sufficient amount of notebooks and mentioned the issues of paper production and improvement of and solutions to them.
In those days the number of dead factories was bigger than that of the running factories due to the aftermath of the war in DPRK, and lack of cement and electric power were demanded everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of matters which were important more or less were waiting for the wise leadership of the great leader. However, the great leader put everything aside for the visit to Sinuiju Pulp Mill in order to supply notebooks to our children and students, who are the future of fatherland and revolution, as soon as possible, even though he was so busy due to the post-war restoration.
On arrival in the mill the great leader was so glad to see the paper production although its quality was low and the rapid mill's restoration was incomplete. He said that he was there to encourage workers to produce the notebooks for the children and pupils of the whole country first of all and to supply sufficient notebooks. And he asked a mill's official how many children he had and whether they were supplied with the enough notebooks. After listening to his answer that the notebooks were not sufficient, the great leader said warmly that one should care about children's notebooks with the mind of being their father and be responsible for them.
Looking around the manual cutting of paper, the issue of mechanizing the paper cutting process and completing the bleaching process was raised so as to provide white notebooks. By visiting the chemical processing room filled with sulphur and sulphurous acid gas he advised workers to make it air-tight and to install the ventilators so as not to be harmful to the health of workers.
In the mill two pieces of paper-making machine were repaired in two months in high response to the teachings of the great leader, and the paper production was normalized, but production quantity was preferred rather than quality.
On April 4th, Juche 45(1956), several days before the 3rd Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea, the great leader visited the paper mill again, worried about the low quality of paper, and asked them warmly to produce the both-sided paper to make the notebooks for pupils, And he gave the power and the courage to push forward the work to improve their quality boldly.
It was the fatherly leader who would like to care about coming generations in the way to give one, ten and hundred, and to give good things and then better things afterwards.
In the paper mill the struggle to carry out the field instructions of the great leader thoroughly was done, so that the production area was used efficiently to install more paper making machines. Therefore, paper production was increased and its quality was improved decisively.
The great leader arranged the system to provide raw materials to Sinuiju Pulp Mill definitely and to normalize paper production at high level.
On December 8, Juche 42(1953), there was a meeting of the political committee of the central committee of the Workers' Party of Korea where the great leader set the task to provide reed as the raw material for paper production to Sinuiju Pulp Mill due to the lack of wood for pulp production in our country. Afterwards, he made detailed arrangements to provide raw materials in several important meetings. Therefore, it was possible to produce good quality paper in the mill with all the machinery in full operation.
On June 23, Juche 47(1958), the great leader visited the mill again, was very satisfied after checking the front and back sides of a notebook and leafing through the pages in the lining room, mentioned that the lined paper was made according to the level and taste of children.
That day the great leader looked around the mill and came to the front yard of the bleaching room where he said that the quality of paper was improved, and the mill was transformed well in a hygienic and cultured way. He highly praised the workers, saying that he was satisfied like this for the first time after looking around several factories. The employees of the mill were given the acknowledgement on behalf of the central committee of the Party and cabinet and praised highly as workers doing well for the coming generations. He was about to leave and come back again and emphasized that there was more work to do from that time on, so as not to be satisfied with success and to install more paper-making machines using the production area more efficiently and to increase production capacity continuously in order to cover the increasing demand of the students for paper, and at the same time, to normalize production.
Thanks to the fatherly love and the wise leadership of the great leader, Sinuiju Pulp Mill where the yellow-coloured paper used to be produced shortly after armistice to produce notebooks was transformed into the modern reliable paper production base of the country where white paper, both-sided writing paper, and paper for printing newspapers could be produced. In addition, high quality notebooks could be produced according to the classes of schools, subjects, gender, ages, children's psychological peculiarities and the pedagogical demands.
Thus, the great leader not only visited even Sinuiju Pulp Mill several times in the post-war period to provide good quality notebooks to our children and students sufficiently, but also gave tasks and ways fully regarding paper production, securing the quality and providing the raw materials in many important meetings.
Truly, the whole life of the great leader was devoted only to the future of fatherland and the future of revolution and it was the precious textbook teaching how the generation of today should live and struggle for the growing generations. It also shows what kind of spirit and love should be kept for the younger generations.