Kosan Integrated Fruit Farm under Chol Pass is one of the fruit production bases of our country founded by the far-reaching plan of President
Kosan Integrated Fruit Farm, turned into a world-class thriving orchard, is warmly associated with the immortal leadership feats of
The respected Comrade
He visited Kosan Integrated Fruit Farm on several occasions including on May 4, Juche 97 (2008) and on June 7, Juche 98 (2009), and set forth the task to turn the farm into the ever-thriving orchard true to the intention of President
Noting that the farm should be turned into a modern fruit production base as required by the new century, he sent essential farming equipment including tractors and took measures for the supply of pesticides and fertilizers.
He took all the efforts to turn Kosan Integrated Fruit Farm into world-class fruit production base. He gave detailed instructions on all the problems arising in the farm construction including readjustment of fruit fields, the distribution of fruit varieties, the building of dwelling houses and public buildings, and sorted out the difficulties. He also illustrated the tasks one by one; he emphasized that seed was the most important element in fruit farming, that they should plant superior species including short apple trees of high yielding and good taste, and that they should manure and tend the fruit trees in a scientific way as well as applying plenty of organic fertilizer in order to raise the yield of fruits per hectare. He continued that they should press ahead with the work to turn the farm into large-scale modern fruit farm by preparing plenty of fruit stores to fit the annually rising fruit yield and building fruit processing factories including the ones for dried apple slices and the ones for evaporating apple juice.
On September 17, Juche 105(2016), the respected leader Comrade
Indeed, the flourishing orchard under Chol Pass is the sacred fruit of the love for people, permeated with the immortal leadership feats of