
The flames of the drive to implement the instructions of the leader given to the fishery sector


The position and attitude towards implementing the instructions of the leader are precisely the point of view on the revolution and the faith. So the true merit of the leader's struggle to carry forward the revolutionary cause is intensively expressed in carrying out the instructions of the leader.

It is the unshakable will of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un that one should hold fast to all the issues planned and intended by the great leaders in their lifetime and one can never stop the implementation halfway.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said:

"Bolstering the country's economy and improving the people's standard of living constitute the most important of the instructions given by the great leaders in their lifetime and the task of overriding importance facing our Party today."

Increasing the production of seafood is a matter of constant concern and earnest instructions of the great leaders in their lifetime.

One of the tasks set forth by the great leader at a consultative meeting of senior officials in the economic sector in the last period of his revolutionary life was to build large-scale fishing vessels to catch large quantities of fish, while the last document ratified by the great general was just the one on supplying fish to pyongyang citizens.

The respected General Secretary who gets blurred and feels choked when hearing only the word "fish" with the yearning for the great learders made sure that an annual meeting of activists in the fishery sector of the Korean People's Army has been held every year since Juche 102(2013), in which he made an important speech to inscribe how to implement the instructions of the great leaders in the hearts of our people.

At the ceremony of awarding party and state commendations to the participants in the third meeting of activists in fishery sector of the Korean People's Army held in December Juche 103(2015) after two consecutive meetings held in December Juche 103(2014) and December Juche 102(2013), the respected general secretary said that the reason why he called them into the meeting room of the central committee of the Workers' Party of Korea to express his gratitude and make the whole country bless them was that they have precious minds of remaining on one front of our revolution to carry out the instructions of the great leaders with clear conscience invariably in such a difficult situation of our country, which should be learned after by everyone. And he also appealed to them to wage an do-or-die struggle to give loud steam whistle of a full load with indomitable will and revolutionary spirit so that the great leaders can be pleased.

In the history of our Party, there were no such examples of the meeting of activists in an individual sector and the awarding ceremony to the participants, not the meeting of the party, held every year at the building of the Party Central Committee on which the glorious red Party flag is fluttering.

This reflects the deep trust and expectation of the respected General Secretary who attaches great importance to the fishery sector and wishes it to take the lead in implementing the instructions of the leader.

That's why, in November Juche 103(2014), the respected General Secretary visited a fishery station of the People's Army and, at the sight of fishes falling on the landing place, said : How pleased the great leaders would be to see the scenery, and it is our duty not only to thoroughly implement the instructions of them who made efforts to turn the mountains and fields of the country into golden mountains and golden fields all their lives but also to make the sea of the socialist homeland a golden sea.

The construction of a modern pickled fish processing factory which produces the pickled fish by industrial method for the first time in our country is also a brilliant fruition of the noble loyalty and wise leadership of the respected General Secretary who is thoroughly implementing the instructions of the great leader.

Until the respected General Secretary who personally initiated the construction of the modern pickled fish processing factory set the site and unfolded the bright blueprint on the spot several times, the people did not know why he paid special attention to it.

On the day when he visited the pickled fish processing factory again in August Juche 107(2018), he said that he was moved to see the instructions of the great leader on pickled fish, adding that at the 10th plenary meeting of the sixth central committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, the great leader said that the people would be pleased when producing and selling pickled fish such as pickled tiny shrimp well, but we could now carry out his instructions given more than 30 years ago.

Upon receiving the instructions of the respected General Secretary, our people came to keenly realize once again that there can be no period of prescription in implementing the instructions of the great leaders but they must carry them out unconditionally, and that this is the unshakable viewpoint and stand of the respected General Secretary.

Thanks to the wise leadership of the respected General Secretary, the flames of implementing the instructions of the leader to the fishery sector to unflod a new history of golden seas and thus the officials and working people in the fishery sector have grown up to be absolute followers of the Party's policies, staunch defenders and thoroughgoing implementers.