"The great leader dedicated all his efforts to the freedom and happiness of our people and to the prosperity and development of our country."
The life of President
It was when he guided a consultative meeting of senior officials in the economic sector during the last period of his great lifetime.
In that meeting, the President clarified the tasks and ways arising in various fields of national economy one by one. He then emphasized that senior officials should enhance their responsibility and role in order to bring about a turn in the socialist economic construction. He continued to say that there would be nothing impossible if officials in the economic sector took the lead in solving bottleneck problems and devoted their wisdom and efforts, highly aware of their duty. He added that the success or failure in economic construction entirely depended upon how officials worked.
The officials could not raise their heads for failing to do well and causing anxiety to the President even though they had to take the van in addressing economic problems unresolved
Then the President said that officials should treat people as teachers and learn from them. And he went on to say that once they learned from popular masses and rightly led them, they could surmount any difficulties.
He emphasized that it should be the revolutionaries' motto that one who trusts people and counts on them is sure to win but he who distrusts them and is deserted by them is doomed to failure.
It was such a meaningful guideline that anybody who is engaged in revolution should enshrine in their hearts.
After a while, he said that officials should not only believe in people and depend upon their wisdom and strength, but also devote to them. He concluded that devoting one's everything to people is the most honorable and worthwhile and the greatest happiness and glory for revolutionaries.
Undoubtedly, his request associated with the noble intention of regarding people as God is ever reminiscent of the precious philosophy governing triumph in revolution.