
The socialist trade-the supply of the goods for people


The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said:

"As the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung has taught, socialist trade is supply work for the people. In other words, socialist trade is the job of supplying consumer goods in order to meet the demands of the people."

Historically, the commerce appeared in the period of transition from the primitive society to the slave society. As the production of goods increased and the exchange of goods enlarged, the commerce was classified gradually into the detailed sectors such as the wholesale and retail commerce.

Though the commerce exists in all the societies where the production of goods is performed, its nature is different according to social system.

The nature of the socialist commerce is the supply of goods to the people.

It means that the socialist commerce serves people, in other words, it supplies goods to people according to the demand from the standpoint of being responsible for the people's life.

Whom the commerce serves is one of the important aspects of defining the nature of the commerce. That is because the masters are defined according to whom the commerce serves and the purpose, character and activity mode change according to the aspiration and requirement of the masters.

The socialist commerce is the popular one serving for the interest of the people.

Then, what is the popular character of the socialist commerce?

First of all, the socialist commerce regards it as its mission to look after the people's life responsibly.

To do so, it is necessary to store the proper amount of goods in expectation of the demand of goods and supply it in time if necessary.

The socialist commerce should understand in detail the people's demand and perform all the commercial activities according to the demand. In the socialist commerce, the whole commercial activity including order, purchase and sale of goods is based on the demand of goods and it aims at the full satisfaction of the demand. By doing so, the socialist commerce looks after the people's life as the housewife leads her family life.

Next, the socialist commerce regards it as the supreme principle of its activity to ensure the interest of the people.

From such principle, the socialist commerce controls its activity legally and does not allow any element of infringing upon the interest of the people. The socialist commerce regards it as its principle to supply very useful and necessary goods to the people and has it as its mission to supply more goods at a low price. And when purchasing the agricultural products, it sets its purchase price from the aspect of the farmer's interest in order to ensure their interests.

The socialist commerce should perform its activity according to the demand since it aims at the full satisfaction of their demand. To do so, it is necessary to produce and supply the consumer goods in a planned way.

What is the most rational here is the order system.

The order system is a popular system of goods supply which makes it possible to order the production of consumer goods and secure and supply the consumer goods according to the order on the basis of the scientific assessment of the demand and productivity.

The order system consists of two aspects; one is to order the goods to the manufacturers on the basis of the scientific assessment of the demand and productivity and the other is to supply the consumer goods according to the order.

In the socialist commerce, the exercise of the order system enables goods to be produced according to the demand from the standpoint of being responsible for the people's life and to be supplied according to the demand in order that the socialist commerce should meet fully its essential requirement.

Like this, in the socialist society where the working popular masses are masters of everything and everything of the society serves people, the commerce aims at the full supply of goods according to the demand from the standpoint of being responsible for the people's life.