Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Visits 250-Mile Journey for Learning Schoolchildren's Palace

Pyongyang, June 1 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and supreme commander of the armed forces of the DPRK, provided field guidance to the 250-mile Journey for Learning Schoolchildren's Palace.

True to the teachings and instructions given by the Supreme Leader on several occasions, Jagang Province built the five-storey main building housing more than 30 hobby group rooms and the multi-functional gym for holding art performance and an annex building in place of the old building that had been more than 50 years old. Since its inaugural ceremony in September 2016, the palace has been put on a normal operation.

The Supreme Leader was reported about the accommodation of hobby group rooms of the palace and their operation from an official of the palace.

Looking round several places of the palace including the gym and rooms for dancing group, table-tennis group, accordion group, Taekwon-do group, IT group and electronic musical instrument group, he learned about the renovation and operation of the palace.

He said that technical designing of the gym and several hobby group rooms does not meet the mission and usage of the rooms.

Noting that the palace has not been built in a charming way to meet the mission and usage as extracurricular educational facilities even though it was built with the use of great amounts of materials in place of the old building, he said that formalism, expediency and slipshod manner remain strong in the designing field despite lots of call for embodying the principle of "conveniences first".

It does not mean that we have become richer than 10 and 20 years ago that our Party has given priority to the construction and renovation of schoolchildren's palaces, schoolchildren's halls, children's camps and schoolbag factories, the production of textbooks and notebooks and betterment of education conditions and environment while giving importance to the work for the future generations, he said, noting that our Party is set to do whatever it can do for the children at the highest level even though it is pressed hard for everything because how to bring up the future generations is a vital issue deciding the future destiny of our revolution.

Saying that the construction and renovation of schoolchildren's palaces are now under way in other provinces, he said that it is necessary to set things right to prevent the similar inclination from happening in order to give real satisfaction to schoolchildren.

He stressed that along with the construction of schoolchildren's palaces as all-purpose extracurricular education bases equipped with high level of all education conditions and environment, it is important to steadily improve the methods and forms of the operation of hobby groups, raise the responsibility and qualifications of teachers and conduct the campaign for swapping experience, overtaking and learning from others among schoolchildren's palaces in Pyongyang and in provinces so as to give broad knowledge of science and technology and art education relative to the grades and ages of children, and thus drastically improve the education level.

He watched children of hobby group rooms of the palace, full of dream to grow up to be dependable pillars who would shoulder upon the future of the country, bringing into full bloom their creative talents through their hobby group activities, and had significant photos taken with them, blessing them bright future.

He was accompanied by leading officials of the WPK Central Committee including Jo Yong Won, Yu Jin, Kim Yong Su and Hyon Song Wol and leading officials of the State Affairs Commission including Kim Chang Son and Ma Won Chun. -0-